Friday, August 17, 2012

Quirky Things about Me

I couldn't think of anything good to post today about this morning, so I thought I'd tell you some quirky things bout myself.  I'm weird, I admit, so hopefully I'll be able to come up with some good things you don't know.

1.  I hate when my toenails aren't painted.  I just think they look better with color on them.  But I pay little attention to my fingernails, which is apparent as they are in terrible condition right now.
2.  My packing process for big trips includes several stages.  Get out all clothes you might take, think about it, reconsider and eliminate unneeded clothes, repeat, finally get everything packed, then unpack and repack.  Why do I do this, I don't know, but somehow it helps me to take less things and I usually end up with just what I wear.
3.  I love doing laundry.  I get this from my mom.  I don't find it to be a bad chore.  I do not enjoy putting the clothes away though.
4.  I hate cleaning the bathtubs.  I just don't like it.  I try to get Steven to do it everytime.
5.  I have a baby tooth still.  The adult tooth never grew in, so I will keep it as long as I can.
6.  I don't like bananas, yogurt, or most beans.  And I hate when people ask me why I don't like them.  I don't.  I think they are gross.  Please don't ask again.
7. I am obsessive about how my dishwasher is loaded.  Weird I know.  I hate it when Steven loads the dishwasher.  He does it wrong.  It bothers me.  A Lot.  Sorry Honey!
8.  Aside from my running shoes, I cannot remember the last time I wore any shoes other than flip flops since March.  The joys of living in San Diego.
9.  I love cheesy movies.  I mean really cheesy movies.  The cheesier the better.  As a matter of fact right now I am watching First Daughter.  Katie Holmes is in it.  Yep it is super cheesy.
10.  I want to go back to school.  I long to go back to school.  I am actually jealous of people who are in school.  I know, I am a dork.  (I even like math.)  I am in the process of trying to figure out what I want to go back to school for, but it is taking time.  If I am going to take the time away from my family I want it to be for something I really enjoy.

Well there are 10 weird and quirky things about me.  Wanna share something weird about yourself?


  1. I love all this about you, Megan. And, no, iI don't want to share anything weird about myself :D
    OK... Maybe one. If enjoying doing laundry is weird, then I.ll share that one. I even bought an old fashion laundry plunger and washboard... in case the electricity goes out.
    Love you dear daughter-in-law~

  2. I share your love-hate relationship with laundry and your need to be the one to load the dishwasher! lol I will do all of the laundry: sort, wash, dry, fold, and put away, but will ask my husband to hang all the clothes because I hate it! haha And it never fails, if my husband loads the dishwasher I take it all out and redo it, always getting more in then he had! ;)
