Wednesday, August 15, 2012

I Hate Exercise!

I do not understand people who just love to exercise. For a long time I never really got why you would want to exercise. I mean it's hard, it makes you sweaty and tired and sore. Why would you do it? There are tons of health benefits to exercise I understand that, but still up until a couple months ago, I didn't get it. Recently though I have started to understand more of why people do it. It's the after effect. There are some people who actually enjoy the the exercise. They enjoy the process of doing jumping jacks, the actual running and such. That is not me though. The entire time that I am doing a workout DVD or running I think about how I want it done. I think of how much time is left. I think of how much further I need to go. I get tired, I get gross sweaty and I get sore. I am not a pretty sight post workout. But afterwards, I feel great. Yes I am tired, gross and sore, but I have also accomplished something. I have made my body work hard and I feel great about it. It's the endorphins released after exercise. That's why a lot of people do it. It's that awesome feeling that you get during the day when you think I did it. I didn't just sleep in for an extra 30 minutes or watch TV, I got my butt up and did something to better myself.

Don't get me wrong though, every morning when my alarm goes off at 5:10am I think of excuses. I am tired. I am sore from yesterday. I just need a little extra sleep. And some days I give into those excuses. Those are usually the days I struggle with having energy. I tend to be shorter with the girls, and I eat crappy. Some of those days God give me a little boost though. Brynn will wake up at 5:15 to eat or Mady has to potty. I think it's God's way of saying "I am going to make you wake up and do something so you might as well get up and workout." It's God little encouragement. His way of reminding me that this is the best thing for me, and he is going to make sure I do. Guilt even gets me out of bed. Just this morning I heard my alarm, pushed snooze and then laid there trying to fall back asleep but feeling guilty because I knew I needed to get up. I skipped yesterday and was feeling guilty because I knew my body needed it. So I got myself up and stomped (quietly as to not wake the girls) downstairs put the DVD in and did it. The DVD I do is just 20 minutes. By the time I am feeling like I should just give up and stop the DVD, it's almost done and I know I can finish out the last 5 minutes, so I do. I feel better. I feel sore, but I feel better.

I don't exercise everyday. Actually I have already broken my goal for this week to do it Monday through Friday, but hopefully I can keep it up the rest of the week. It's okay that I haven't done everyday. The point is to try. To put in the effort. Even if it means you just take a walk around the block for the first time in months. You have to start somewhere. Exercise will make you feel better, but it takes work. And even you if you hate every single of second of it while you are doing it, keep going. Don't stop. Afterwards you'll be happy you kept it up. And trust me that first time you put on your sports bra and workout pants and look in the mirror and think wow, I kinda look like I actually workout. It's worth all the hours you have spent to get there.

And if you need an extra boost to get your butt up today and at least take a walk, you should know that both Steven and I are seeing the positive effects of exercise. I tried on several shirts this morning that are now too big and some that used to fit too tight and I haven't worn in way too long, now look awesome (I'm wearing one right now). And Steven tried on his dress uniform last night, both of us thinking he would need a new top because it'd be too small. Turns out his belly has gone down quite a bit since he last wore this uniform and he won't be needing a new top at all.

Even Mady wants to run. Okay so she's 2, so that's not a surprise, but at the end of our walks and runs recently she wants to get out of the stroller and run down our street, around the cu-de-sac and home. It's too cute to see her running as fast as she can. And an added benefit, it wears her out pretty good before bath and bed ;)

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