Sunday, August 12, 2012

Adventures in Parenting: Our First ER trip!

So today I asked Steven what he thought I should blog about tonight.  I listed a few things and he gave me 2 that he thought would make the best topics for tonight.   The first the funny things Mady has been saying and doing recently and what kinds of things we have been eating to help lose weight.  Tonight just before putting the girls down he said I had to write about Mady.

You have seen in the title that this is about our first trip to the ER, but I am going to make you read about the funny things Mady has said recently.  Why, because she is awesome and funny and I love her.  SHe is also challenging and stubborn and a drama queen.  Anyways, a couple weeks ago we were getting ready to pray before dinner and Mady said, I pray.  So we let her.  We told her to repeat after us and had her say a little prayer.  She loved it so much she has prayed every night since.  We are very proud.  She does get stuck sometimes though.  Tonight she thanked God for our food 5 times before I gave her a little prompt to move on.  It is cute.  Her prayers before bed are even cuter though.  A coupel nights ago she thanked God for Daddy and Brynn and Mommy and Mickey and Minnie and Donald and Daisy.  She also recently thanked God for food and pizza food and Jake and Izzy and Hook and Tick Tock.  Apparently she is extremely thankul for the Disney Jr shows and characters.  I can appreciate that.

So on to our Sunday night adventure.  We have been very fortunate to not have to take either of the girls to the ER or even the doctor outside of their regular check ups.  Tonight we broke that streak.  After dinner I was starting to get things cleaned up and Mady said strawberry.  She had an eraser that had a strawberry on it, so I said yes Mady.  She then said strawberry in nose.  So Steven and I quickly went over and checked out the situation.  I could not help but laugh as I looked up her nose and saw she had in fact shoved a strawberry eraser up her nose.  So I checked to see if my finger could reach it.  No luck.  Steven got the tweezers and a headlight (which I am going to admit when he got a headlight for home I thought to myself that is ridiculous when would we ever use a head light?  Turns out we have used that thing in several different situations and it has come in quite handy.  Sometimes I am wrong.)  Anyways, we laid Mady down and I held her still while he attempted to get the eraser out.  No luck.  We had her blow through her nostril to force it down, no help.  It was mommy's turn to try the tweezers.  No luck.  It was clear it was time to head to the ER.

When we walked up and told the check in nurse that Mady had an eraser stuck in her nose I am pretty sure she wanted to laugh.  I think it helped make her feel a little more comfortable that Steven and I thought it was kinda funny too.  So we saw a couple nurses in triage who attempted to get the eraser out.  Everyone could see it, but you could not get it easily.  So we were sent to a room to see a Nurse Practioner.  Mady was fine, you would not know there was a thing wrong with her.  I started to get a little nervous though.  The NP came in took a look and I think thought the same thing the rest of us did at this point, it was going to be pretty easy to get, but once you get in there to try, it wasn't so easy.  Mady was a trooper and didn't start to cry until they had to get really deep in her nose.  I felt horrible as I held her legs down.  I am a tough parent.  Mady falls all the time, if she isn't bleeding or hasn't hit her head hard, she is fine in our book.  I can hold the girls when they get shots and not flinch.  But holding her down and not being able to do anything to help her was horrendous.  Thankfully they finally got it.  And it was not a little tiny thing we thought it was.  It was gross, big,  and going into her sinus.  We were thankful we had taken her in and gotten it out.  Everyone at Balboa was nice and friendly and very helpful.  That is not something that I hear a lot about Balboa, so I feel like we had a great experience.

Mady was a great and while she cried, once it was done and out she was fine, like nothing had happened.  On the way home I couldn't help but think how proud of Mady I was for being such a big girl through it all and how Steven and I had managed to keep ourselves calm, not bicker, and get things done when needed.  We even can appreciate the humor in the situation.  When we went back one nurse commented "Oh the infamous eraser".  It was funny.  And let's be honest, a small part of us is looking forward to one day telling her first boyfriend about how she stuck an eraser up her nose ;)

1 comment:

  1. Love this post and especially that darlin' girl in her pretty dress. She looks to be in deep conversation with someone.
    Steven and Megan, you are loving parents who are teaching your children well.
    Love you guys~
    (is that Izzy Boots behind her?)
