Friday, August 10, 2012

Getting it all together

I am a pretty organized person.  Well at least I used to be.  And I try to be now.  Somehow having children has made all sense of organization in my house go out the window.  At least that's how I feel.  Sometimes that feeling of unorganization is overwhelming for me.  I then decide to embark in a huge reorganization project of our house.  I am currently in the middle of doing that.  And I have a deadline.  I am down to less than 3 weeks till I want to have everything all organized.  If I didn't have my kids to contend with this would be plenty of time.  But when you are organizing one part of a room and the other room is being turned into kid playland it is tough to get things done.

I know what someone is going to tell me.  Don't worry about it.  Enjoy your children while they are little.  I have told people the same thing.  And trust me I do believe there is validity in saying that.  And I do think that you should enjoy your babies while they are little.  The days of them needing you all the time and wanting to just cuddle and be held are short.  (Just saying that makes me want another baby, I am a little jealous of all my friends that have new little babies.  No 3rd baby for us though, well yet...)  But I also know for myself that having a clean and organized house will help me feel more at ease and able to enjoy my kids more.  So this time I am going to get this house all organized and cleaned up so it can stay that way or easily be put back that way.  I am attempting to do this a little at a time.  One room, one closet, one cabinet at a time.  I actually spent about 30 minutes moving stuff around in my dining room yesterday all to discover that it worked best the way it was.  Go figure.  Thankfully I don't spend all day doing this.  My girls just would not handle it well if all I did was try to clean all day.  They do well for about half hour without attention, then it beceomes a lot of whining and "Mommy Mommy Mommy".  The good thing is half hour is about enough time for me to get a good chunk done.  In all reality my house really isn't that unorganized, but in my mind it is.  Yes Steven thinks I'm crazy.

So one more thing to add to my list of goals before I leave for Indiana.  Which is in 19 days.
1. Lose 2.5lbs more (I adjusted my weight loss goal after having lost 50lbs to be another 5 before I leave.  Goals help me stay motivated)
2. Get everyone packed and ready for trip
3. Organize the house.
4. Run a mile without stopping and complete another 50 walk/run miles (about 11 down)
5. 18 total DVD workouts (5 done)
6. Keep sanity in my house

I'm pretty sure #6 will be the hardest.  It all doesn't seem to overwhelming right now.  Ask me again in 2 weeks though.  For now I should probably get everyone going for the day so I get started on my to do list.

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