Thursday, August 16, 2012

I Will NOT Vomit in Someone's Yard!

I believe exactly what I said to Steven last night in the middle of our run was "I have not vomitted in someone's yard yet, and I refuse to start now!"  Last night was a run night, so Steven and I had what we thought would be a good dinner before we went for our run.  It was not.  We have had issues lately with our runs, which has made it tough to get my distance farther, and what we eat before hand has turned out to be one of the issues.  One night last week before we ran we had pizza, yes we both instantly realized it was not the best choice.  Then last night with dinner we had some roasted potatoes with peppers, and I have concluded that must have been what cause both of our upset stomachs.

I'm sure feeling like you are going to lose your dinner would make many people stop running, but I had a goal last night.  I wanted to run a mile total.  I still can't do it without stopping, but I wanted our little spurts to add up to a mile.  I've actually had a big problem with this.  I have had a hard time accepting that I may not reach my goal this time.  This is my first goal throughout this whole process I will probably not reach.  So I want to make sure I can at least run a mile total, even if I have to walk in between. I am trying not to be hard on myself, but it is tough.  The weight has also slowed on coming off, so I think that has made it tougher.  I am not stuck, but it is now harder to take off the weight it seems.  Anyways, I am trying not be hard on myself.  I still have 15 days to take off 2lbs for my August weight goal.  Very doable.

So back to my running goal for last night.  We did end up running a mile total, but it took longer and a lot more intervals than we predicted.  It felt a lot harder too.  When we got home both of us were done.  We were tired and felt sick.  So we are learning our lesson the hard way and trying to find different foods that are better to eat before running.  We are also looking forward to the fall when it cools down and we can run before dinner.  San Diego weather is great, but I have learned from my past 3 summers here that it doesn't really get hot consistently until August and September, and I am very protective when it comes to my kids being out in the heat and sun.  So we will hope that it cools down and we can run earlier in the day.  And the girls can accept eating dinner just a little later.


  1. I can never run after eating a meal.. or if I do eat I would need to wait like 2 hours before running. Now, if I had something REALLY small, I would be ok. Can you guys run in the mornings at all? And don't be too hard on yourself! You've only just started running, it takes time to build up to it. Maybe you should look at some training plans for an idea of how to build up slowly and safely, because you do not want to get injured! A lot of people I know use the C25k (Couch to 5k) plan. Just an idea. :)

  2. Megan, I.m so glad you did not vomit in someone's yard! And very proud of you! D
