Tuesday, October 23, 2012


I am not someone who gets offended easily. I am pretty go with the flow laid back when it comes to jokes and comments made at my expense. But I was offended and kinda hurt recently by a comment made to Steven about me. I have worked my butt off to lose 75lbs. I have watched what I eat, I have worked out, I have done it the right way. At least the right way for me. But last week a coworker of Steven's made a comment that was mean and I haven't been able to shake it, so hopefully writing about it will help. If you work with Steven or know the guys that do the person that said it would not surprise you.

Anyways, Steven recently told a couple guys in his shop that I had lost 75lbs and that he was proud of me. One guy asked if I had done it the "right" way or if I had tried to use some quick fix thing. Steven said no that I had watched what I ate and worked out, and then showed him the before and after picture I posted after losing 50lbs. The guy's response was not your typical, good for her, or wow that's a difference, instead it was "You married her when she was that big." Who says that!! I mean really! I hate people like that. Has no one taught you that if you don't have anything nice to say then don't say anything at all. Especially to someone's husband. And no this is not a guy who is in great shape and I'm sure he has difficulty passing the Navy fitness tests. So who does he think he is to say something like that. And yes, my husband did marry me when I was that big and has loved me through all my weight ups and downs. Through pregnancy and horrible moments. He has loved me unconditionally because when you are married that what you do. He married me for me. He supports me. If I said right now I am done. I am not going to lose more weight. He would be fine with that. If I told him I was going to do something extreme and dangerous just to lose more weight he would tell me to stop, because he wants me to be healthy, not skinny.

And let me tell you this, even at my very heaviest when I was pregnant with Mady, when I weighed 120lbs more than I do right now, I still took care of myself. I still showered, did my hair, my makeup and didn't just give up. And yes my husband still loved me.

If you are trying to lose weight, please do not give these people the time of day. I hate that I have spent time even writing this. I don't want a person like this to have an effect on me, yet sometimes you just can't get it out of your head. He won't read this. I will probably never say anything to him because I'm nice and thankfully can avoid being around him. And now that I have put it out there I hope to get it out of my head. And thank you to all that have supported me. For all your kind words and encouragement, you will never know how much it helps. And to those who think I was gross before, or even now, I don't care. At least I am doing something to better myself. I doubt that guy is doing something to stop himself from being a jerk (and yes I had many other stronger words in my head).


  1. You tell it sista!! ;) Stay strong and keep your head up! And remember: YOU ROCK!!

  2. I'm extremely late because we both how hard it is to find time with little ones running around, but honestly as soon as I read this I knew exactly who it was!! I mean honestly when he looks down he can't even see his belly button and had to cheat the system everyway that he can so that when PRT season comes around he can stay in. This is disgusting and I'm so sorry you had to hear words like this. I think you are doing such an amazing job and I know Steven thinks that too, because you should hear all the awesome things he says about you practically every day!! You are a great person, an outstanding inspiration and just overall awesome and I am so lucky to say that I am friends with you and your family!! Samantha
