Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Getting Ready for Halloween!

Halloween isn't my favorite holiday, I'm more of a Christmas girl. But I do think it's a fun time to dress up and the kids get candy, and the parents sneak a little. I love to see all the little kids dressed in their adorable costumes and I'm excited that Mady is a little more excited about Halloween this year and getting the whole concept a little more. She was very excited to pick out her costume, which she ended up choosing Minnie Mouse, kind of a surprise after she talked about a princess crown for like a month. We have yet ot find one for Brynn yet. They had none in her size that I liked, but there is still lots of time, so I'm not worried.

Something different here in San Diego that I don't think I had ever really seen or noticed I guess is people decorating for Halloween. I remember people putting out some little things in Indiana and Texas, but nothing like people here. They really get into it. So we decided to join the Halloween decorating trend last year, nothing big, but we did get some things. It's fun for the girls to help with.

This year I decided to get a little crafty and try out making a wreath for our door. It was ambitious for me, because I've never done it at all. It didn't end up being exactly what I thought it would but I do think it is really cute.  I got the idea from Pretty Dity who made an adorable one and I thought I could do soemthing similar.  It's just a straw wreath (still wrapped in plastic), with yarn wrapped around it, and then decorated.  It was not hard to do or that expensive, the part that took the longest was wrapping it in yarn.  I knew I was only goign to do one color, because I would get obssesive about making sure each color had the same amount of yarn and that would start to annoy me.  So anyways, here it turned out.  What do you think?

This weekend we also went to a pumpkin patch, which really was more like a mini fair.  They had food stands, face painting, a hay ride, a straw maze, tons of stuff.  The girls loved it!  We had lots of fun and found pumpkins for both girls. And Steven got to try his first funnel cake, so it was a great day for all of us.  

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