Thursday, October 18, 2012

Getting rid of the X

So I hopped on the scale this morning and was pleasantly surprised to discover I have now lost 75lbs! Yay! Just 5lbs more to my end of the year goal! Which I am thinking I will just make a Thanksgiving goal. That way when I gain a pound or 2 on Thanksgiving I don't have to worry about it too much. I was really surprised because I have not been working out like I wanted this week. I've missed 2 workouts. It has been by choice and for my own sanity though. Sleeping has been rough for me this week, you know when you just can't turn your brain off and you wake up a lot at night (if you have never had this happen to you, please tell me your secret). That's what I've been doing all week. So I have skipped a couple of my morning workouts so I can get some extra sleep. Sleep is a necessity when you have kids. And being able to handle my girls and smile with them is more important than working out to lose a couple extra pounds. Don't get me wrong though, I did workout Monday morning and ran Tuesday night, so it's not like I have just been sitting around.

This past weekend we went to Old Navy to pick up a couple new shirts, because many of mine are not fitting. So I was looking at some shirts in the size that I have most of mine in XL, and I decided that I was going to be daring and buy some just in Large. Now that may not seem like a big deal, but I haven't worn Large shirts in years and years. So finally feeling like I don't have to get the absolute biggest size they have every time, is great. I know that at some stores I still can't wear any of their clothes, but you have to celebrate the small victories when you are trying to do something big.

This is also a reminder that it is probably time to go through my clothes and start getting rid of some that are too big. That is a big thing for me. It's like that final thing saying I promise I will not gain this weight back and be the size I was. But that is what want. So this weekend I think I am going to work on a donation pile. Hopefully it will give my drawers a little breathing space.

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