Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Baby Blues

Things are not always easy in life. That's just how life is. When I decided I wanted to lose weight and commit my life to being healthier I was not in the greatest place. I had 2 children and a husband that I loved, but I was struggling with myself. I was going through a bit of the baby blues. For those who don't know, having a baby is a beautiful and wonderful thing and you love your new baby like no other. But you also have very imbalanced hormones and it is extremely common to go through a rough time emotionally after you've had a child. It is not to be confused with post-pardum depression, which is very serious and if you think you have you need to talk to someone right away.

For me the baby blues didn't come on until Brynn was 3-4 months old. I didn't recognize it in myself right away, neither did anyone I was around. Steven could tell something was off, but honestly I was just going through the motions of it all. I was not truly enjoying my kids, while I loved them very much, I just did what I had to everyday to get through it. I had lost nearly all my baby weight, yet gained 15lbs back. Steven and I went through a tough time. I remember actually telling him through tears one night that I didn't really want to spend time with him. All I really wanted to do was sit around and watch TV or be on the computer. I didn't want to hang out with anyone, especially my husband. Even thinking about it now I get teary eyed and emotional because I can't believe it was true. I was doing harm to my family and it had to stop.

That was when I decided to start get myself in shape. I was watching The Doctors on TV and they were talking about hormones after having a baby and it finally clicked that my hormones had taken control and I was not me anymore. I decided to start eating better, exercise, getting myself healthy, after seeing some of their suggestions. That is what made Megan come back. It took a couple months and more emotional times to finally start to feel like myself again. I consider myself lucky, that I could handle it on my own, but I deeply regret not talking to a friend or family about what I was going through. I didn't really know though. I knew I wasn't myself, but I didn't understand why. My case was not severe. I was lucky there too. But too often this kind of thing doesn't get talked about and then builds and builds until it is overwhelming.

I know I am not the only mom that has gone through this. If you are having a hard time after having a baby talk to someone. Don't think you have to be strong and do it all on your own, you have friends and family you can talk to. I promise other moms have been through it. And pregnant moms, don't let this scare you. You will be fine. But please be aware that it is real and that you have to take care of yourself after you have a baby too, just the little one.


  1. Yes! Hormones suck! Especially when you stop breast feeding quickly, and have sleep deprivation like me lol. Thanks for the article, it is going to motivate me to get me and the screaming twins out on a walk. Fussiest babies EVER, it makes me never want to do anything! I don't even work out more than once a week anymore, I'm only losing weight from the stress lol. Someone is ALWAYS crying. Congratulations on getting yourself back though! I'm waiting for that in my case :)

  2. I hope it does get you to go out! You are a trooper being able to workout at all with twins! I do promise the fussiness will get easier. I can't tell you how many times I stuck Mady in the stoller with her screaming and just made her learn to like it. My neighbors porbably thought I was crazy. At least getting them on a walk willl get them fresh air and hopefully helps a little!

  3. And don't worry, you will get yourself back. it just takes some time.
