Monday, December 10, 2012

Love Homecomings

So last night Steven and I watched Love Actually, yes I got to pick. And I was reminded of homecomings. If you haven't seen the movie it starts and ends with scenes of people coming home in an airport. I couldn't help but think of military homecomings. Deployment is one of the hardest things a military family will go through. It means months separated from your spouse. I could list all the bad things about deployment, but that is depressing, so let me tell you more about the good part. Homecoming.

If you are married or in a committed relationship you know it can be hard spending more than a few days without them. And that moment that they pull into the drive way or you pick them up at the airport it is awesome. My dad travelled a lot when I was growing up for his job. So I remember how happy and relieved my mom was when he would come home from a trip. Now picture that trip being months long. And it's not just a drive away or a couple time zones, but it's thousands of miles and a different continent away. When you have a homecoming then it is planned for. You clean your house top to bottom because you want it to be perfect. You make signs and decorate so they can feel welcome. You plan a special meal. You buy a special outfit. You plan for this for months. You start planning homecoming from the moment they let go of your hand and say goodbye. You stand waiting and waiting and then you see them. They come off the plane (or ship or bus) and finally you can touch them again. You can finally get that hug and kiss that you have wanted and needed for too long. It makes the months of separation seem a little worth it. I think everyone should get to experience something like that moment in their life.

We have done 3 homecomings since we've been married. 2 for good reason, 1 for not. A year from now I will prepping for homecoming with children. Something I haven't done. Hopefully the memory of the good 2 homecomings will keep me going through the deployment. At least you know the kids will keep me going. Until he leaves though we will enjoy our time together. And he will keep giving the dog a bath and cleaning the bathtubs. :)

1 comment:

  1. I will never forget Jon's homecoming...and the first time we met was in the airport. Amazing day!
