Tuesday, November 13, 2012

What Your Parents Never Told You

I am not a parenting expert. Mady isn't even 2 1/2 yet, so I definitely have things to learn still. A lot to learn actually. Just last night I text my mom and asked her if we became unbearable when we Mady's age. Her honest response was pretty much yes. We are in the midst of the terrible 2s. For those who haven't been through this yet, don't be scared, you will get through it. My mom recommends patience. I recommend a mommy time out in the bathroom with the door locked once daddy gets home. It's really not that bad. Promise. Kinda.

Anyways, want to know what your parents didn't tell you. They had no idea what they were doing. No parent really does. I have no idea what I am doing most days. Okay don't get me wrong, change diapers, make sure baby is fed and clean. I got that. There are basic things we all know to do. But a lot of the time, we are just guessing. How to punish a biter? Time out, a spanking, bite them back, take your guess with your child and hope it works. Even when you have a crying child and you think you know what they need, the truth is, you really are just guessing and praying that it stops the crying.

I will never forget holding my sweet newborn babies in my arms and looking at the nurse in the hospital as they said we could take them each home and thinking you have to be kidding me. I have no idea what I am doing. The first week with Madelynn after my mom left and Steven went back to work, I cried everyday. Mady cried, I cried. I couldn't figure out what was wrong with her. I remember one day looking at Steven and saying I don't know what's wrong with her. He then asked if she needed her diaper changed and I cried because I hadn't thought of that. I was a brand new mom with major nervousness. It got better with time, and by the time I had Brynn I didn't have nervous breakdowns daily, but I still didn't know what I was doing all the time. And I still don't. And I have accepted that I will spend the rest of my life as a mom who doesn't know what exactly I am doing. And that's okay. Just don't tell my kids. Ever. As far as I know, even though I don't know what I am doing, my mom still does. She always does.

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