Monday, November 5, 2012

The complete and honest truth about my weight

I have recently been a little hard on myself. This is strange for me because I throughout the past 10 months I have been able to be positive and encouraging with myself even when I have gained a little weight or just stayed the same for a week. I have always been able to look at the scale and remind myself where I was when I started and I would be happy with my progress. This was until last week. Last week I gained a couple pounds and had a hard time taking them off and I was hard on myself. For the first time I wanted to give up and just say I was good with the progress I had made. It took me a few days to realize why this time it was so much harder.

So to explain this I have to reveal something I have not. My weight. I don't want to, but the reality is I promised myself I would be real on my blog and try to encourage people and show people that they too can do what I have. This means revealing even the hard things that I don't want to. So I will. Please know though that even as I type this I am nervous.

So this recent weight gain has been hard because I had finally reached a milestone that I was very proud of. Last weekend for the first time I reached a weight that started with a 1 not a 2. I had finally gotten below 200lbs. It was thrilling because I have been above that for so long. SO many years. Then the next day I was up a couple pounds. Back in the 200s. I didn't let that one day bother me too much, because that happens, but when it lasted almost all week, I was discouraged. Yet I was seeing results. I could tell that Insanity was changing my body and I am hopeful that I am gaining muscle. I have known for a long time that I could not just look at the scale for proof of my results, but the past week was the first time I really had to accept that. I think it was God's reality check for me. Like I was not going to get back under 200 until I could accept that my body is changing despite what the scale says. So i have an I can happily say that I got back down to where I want to be yesterday.

So I feel now like I should tell you all the real numbers. Okay, so my starting weight 10 months ago was 280lbs. I'm not proud of that, but that was not the highest I had ever been even. Since then I have lost 81lbs, making my weight now 199lbs. That probably sounds like a lot to many people still, but to me this is a HUGE accomplishment. I have lost 29% of my body weight from the beginning and brought my BMI down 12.6%. I started as morbidly obese and now am almost nearly in the overweight BMI category. I would still like to be in the healthy range of course, but to come as far as I have is amazing. My health has improved in many many ways and I am proud of how far I have come.

Some will criticize still because I still have a ways to go, but let's remember I have not done any fad diets, I have never starved myself, I eat right and exercise. I counted every calorie I ate for nearly 6 months, but now I can limit myself and eat the right way without having to do that (although on occasion I will for a day). I have had the support from all the people around me.

So now you know. You know how much I weigh. Even as I finish this I am wondering if I should post it, but I think I will. If it will help even one person see that they to can do it. Maybe I started higher than them, or maybe they are where I was, please know that you can do it if you want. Just a little effort will get the ball rolling.

1 comment:

  1. Love! Love! Love!
    Megan Whitsitt you only weigh 31 pounds more than me!?!? We could almost be twins :D
    I told Steven last night I.ll sit on the couch and watch you two do insanity, but knowing how good you feel, maybe I.ll get my own.
    You cannot fathom the pride your in-laws have for you. and you know what is so helpful and encouraging? Your writing truth and encouragement, and you are being transparent. Thank you!
    Girl, I can.t wait to see you and hug you!
