Sunday, August 5, 2012

I Make This Look Hard!

Exercise.  A word that I hated for a long time.  It just doesn't sound fun.  It sounds kinda horrible.  But if you want to lose weight and get your butt in shape, it is something necessary.  When I began to lose weight 6 months ago I didn't want to exercise, I wanted to lose weight just by changing my eating.  And for a while that worked.  Steven and I had been taking the girls on nightly walks for a while, so we did continue those and increased them slowly.  I didn't consider that exercise.  To me that was just what we did.  It was something I did for the betterment of my girls.  In June while I was losing weight I began to realize that the weight was not coming off as quickly, and I needed to do something else.  We were walking 1-2 miles a day already, so more walking was just not going to do.

At the end of June I dusted off my Jillian Micheals 30 Day Shred DVD (I bought it back before I was married, our 4th anniversary is this week) and I popped it in player one morning when I couldn't fall back asleep after feeding Brynn.  I was exhausted. I hated it.  The entire time I kept thinking why am I doing this?  How much longer?  But then it was done.  I was tired.  I had to stop several times to catch my breath, but I did it.  And knowing I did it felt good.  It felt really good.  I kinda wanted to do it again.  I was shocked by myself.  A couple days later the same thing I couldn't sleep.  I worked out.  I felt good.  Somehow I even felt like I was getting a little time to myself.  It was the wee hours of the morning, okay it's 5:30, Steven has already left for work,  but the girls are not awake.  It is 2 hours a day when I have time to myself.  So I take 20minutes of it to work out.  And I feel great afterwards.  The 30 Day Shred is intended to be an everyday workout.  I do not do it everyday.  I tried to do it too many times for myself in a week and i ended up with a hurt shoulder.  I learned my lesson.  I now do no more than 2 days in a row without a break day.  This works for me right now, but everyone is different.  If you can do it every day for 30 days, great!  I can't.  And that's okay.

On top of the DVD we had continued to walk daily.  And in July we made a goal to walk 50 miles.  It  sounded like a lot, but as we started to do it, it was easy.  We walked all but 2 days in July.  And we ended up walking about 56 miles.  We were very proud.  Then one day I said something I never in my life thought I would say.  I asked Steven if he would want to start jogging.  Who am I?  Anytime I was in school and I had to run for gym class i hated it.  I never wanted to do it.  I would do anything I had to, just to get out of running.  And now on my own initiative I was asking Steven to start jogging with me.

I rediscovered something I already knew about myself and running.  I am slow.  Not like just a little slow, like horribly slow.  And I cannot go very far.  I cannot run a mile.  I can't even run half a mile yet without stopping.  The first day we added jogging was bad.  It was very bad.  The second time it was a little better, but still not good. We have now jogged several times. I still can't go far.  I am still slow.  But for the first time when we jogged last night I did not feel like I was going to die.  I felt like I could do it.  I was not embarassed that people were seeing me struggle, rather I was thinking about how at least I was doing something to improve myself.  I do not look natural when I run.  I do not look like those people you see that you think oh yeah they are runners.  I make running look hard.  But at least I am doing it.  

I have a goal to be able to run a mile without stopping by the time I get to Indiana.  That is a lofty goal for me right now.  I only have a little over 3 weeks before we get to Indiana and right now the furthest I can go is probably 1/4 mile.  It sounds hard.  But losing 50lbs sounded hard too, and I did that.  So with a little prayer and a lot of training, hopefully I can do it.  So if you see me on the side of the road looking like I am going to die, feel free to give me a little encouragment.  And mention how good my butt looks ;)


  1. Way to go Megan! I have really enjoyed reading your blog entries. I keep telling myself "Remember how hard and how long you have worked to get back into running because it didn't happen over night." I want to make sure that in the future after the next baby (not pregnant) that I don't expect the fitness level I'm at now to just come back. When I first started running last February I ran my slowest mile of my life but I was happy that I was out of my comfort zone and still doing it. Now, I've worked hard and slowly and I can run a 5k (3.11 miles). I am slowly getting stronger, able to run longer, and faster. It feels so GREAT! I am also not a "runner" and I surely don't look graceful when I run. Don't worry about how you look. You are out and moving and that's what is important! You are ROCKING your weight loss!

  2. Keep up the good work Megan! And just to point out a key word in your blog, "yet"! You will get there. Like Breanna said, it doesn't happen over night. It's a hard thing to come to terms with as we tend to be a want-it-now society. I still struggle with it. Keep smiling and keep pushing yourself! =]
