Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Weird Things about Losing Weight

When you lose weight you have in your mind things that will happen. Your clothes will get big, you will start to feel better, but for me there have been some surprising things that have happened while losing weight. I thought I'd share.

1. The first place I noticed weight loss was not an obvious or expected place. It was my wrists, fingers, and ankles. It was like one morning I woke up and my bracelets and ring were too big. And not a little, an huge amount. I have one bracelet that is holding on for dear life about half the day, and my wedding ring is in desperate need of a resize.

2. It is always a shock when clothes don't fit. You know that they are going to be big, but when you put on your favorite shirt or pair of jeans and they are just too big, I get a little sad. It's for a good reason, but still, a little sad.

3. My collar bones are more prevalent, and recently I was touching my upper chest and couldn't figure out what the bumps were. It's bone, I couldn't as easily feel before.

4. I don't get winded walking up the stairs, or as often as I used to doing just regular life things.

5. I don't eat just to eat anymore. I legitimately think about the things I put in my body and if I really want it.

6. I am excited to go pants shopping I used to hate it, but seeing smaller sizes is so enjoyable!

7. I don't despise the scale. I don't mind looking at my weight. Even if it's the same or up from the day before. I am still far from where I started.

8. I am proud to tell people I have lost weight and want to lose more. I used to hide it for fear of failing, but now I want other people to know they can do it too.

9. At a party I don't feel the need to hide the fact that I want a piece of cake or a cookie, because I can just have one or a couple bites and feel satisfied.

10. Fruit and vegetables are daily parts of life. There is no question in my family we will have fruit with breakfast and lunch and lots of vegetables with dinner.

11. I want to exercise. Even when it sucks. Last night I got on the elliptical for the third time and I did a sprint program. Half way through I was tired and wanted to stop, but found the willpower within myself to keep going.

12. I can out workout with my husband and not be embarrassed. I know you shouldn't be embarrassed in front of your spouse, but I didn't want him to see everything all jiggling around and see how bad I am at certain things. Now I don't mind if I'm not doing things perfect or as fast, at least I am doing it. And he loves me despite the jiggling.

Okay 12 things, that's good for now. There are tons of other differences, but I gotta get the girls dressed and go to the party store. I can't believe my little Brynn will be 1 on Sunday! Where did the year go!

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