Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Shopping on Thanksgiving

I am going Christmas shopping on Thanksgiving. Yes I know many many people are saying that you shouldn't because the workers should be home with their families, and I agree. I think people should be home with their families. I think stores should be closed on Thanksgiving day. I think that if you have to work on a holiday you should get extra pay. And to be honest there aren't any huge deals that we are trying to get. So why go you ask? Well it is the first and possibly only time Steven and I will be able to brave the crazy crowds of Walmart or Target shoppers together. it sounds silly, I acknowledge this. But Steven and I rarely have a chance to go out without the kids, and we refuse to take our children to go crazy shopping at ridiculous times of night. This year Steven's parents are here, so they can stay with the girls (who will be fast asleep) while we go out. Yes it still sounds silly, why not wait until the next morning, well I don't think my in-laws would very much appreciate us asking them to get up at 4am, nor do I want to get up at 4am.

So be upset with me that I will be out tomorrow night shopping, think that I am a hypocrite for wanting these people home with their families but still shopping at their store. That's fine. But Steven and I are going to take this opportunity to go out and do something silly and fun together and laugh at the people that are crazy buying deals, and pick up a few good deals ourselves while we can. He will not be home next year for the holidays. I will explain to our girls that Daddy has to be gone and work for Thanksgiving and Christmas. And I will do it with the pride of a military wife and not complaint. It will not be the only year I have to do it. And no I do not think that Walmart and military members are comparable in their need to work on holidays. Please also understand that if you knew how our last week has gone you would agree that we could use a little silly and crazy stupid fun.

Also if you want to be the person and stand up for those who have to work on Thanksgiving have you ever thought of all the people who work at the professional football games you watch or the Thanksgiving day parade. Those are also unneeded things (nurses, doctors, military, firemen, etc...are all necessary). Outside of the football players and coaches who are paid well, have you considered all the concession, security, ticket people who have to work too. Maybe they get extra pay, I hope so, just pointing out that it's not just retail stores who make their people work holidays.

1 comment:

  1. I know Target offered their employees time and a half to work 8p-12a Thanksgiving night, and they offered a dollar and hour pay increase for Black Friday workers. They took voulenteers to work that day and if they didn't want to they didn't have to and they fed their employees a dinner and breakfast. Talk about a stellar company! Unfortunetly, according to my source, this is unlike Walmart that did not offer any additional incentive and thus the employees were talking about walking out etc.

    But in my opinion, stores are just going to keep compeating with eachother trying to open earlier and earlier and sooner or later they will be open all day. If the "crazies" are demanding it and keep flooding in, they will continue this trend. It's sad that monetary things are becoming more important than quality time with family.
