
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

We've had a secret!

So we have been keeping a secret, which is why my blog has been very lacking lately. It is a good secret, but when it comes to weight loss, not so much helpful. I am pregnant again! We found out at the end of February that I am expecting our third child in November. We are thrilled to be having our third child and it has provided a whole new challenge to my healthily lifestyle.

First thing that had to happen was me stopping the Insanity workout program I was in the middle of. I will admit, I was a little sad when I had to do this. I have an intense love/hate relationship with Insanity and of course instantly when you are told you can no longer do something you instantly want to even more. But I did stop. I didn't know exactly what I could and couldn't do exercise wise while pregnant, but I did know that I could not feel like I was going to exercise to the point of passing out. Since then I have learned more about what exercises are good and not.

Next I had to start eating more. Normally when you are pregnant you don't actually have to incresase how much eat by very much in the beginning. But I was eating to lose weight, so I had to up my eating more than normal. My goal in the beginning was to just keep my weight the same. It was pretty easy to up my eating, and not the worst thing in the world to have to do. It has been a bit of a challenge though to get on the scale and not see the decreasing numbers. In the beginning I actually did still lose a couple pounds, putting me at my lowest weight thus far 165lbs. 115lbs down from where I started over a year ago. I kept my weight steady there for a while, but eventually did start to gain the little bit I had taken off.

I had to start dealing with the mental shift in gaining weight. I have not gained much, from where I was when I found out I am pregnant I am only up 1-1/2 lbs actually. But also there is a change in your body when you are pregnant. It seemed my tummy instantly went soft. I didn't really know that I had been forming abs and tightening my tummy quite a bit, but as it turns out I was and all the sudden all the firming up was gone it seemed. It was tough to make the mental shift to accepting that this is good for my body. This is what is suppose to happen. Baby is growing and so am I.

Now please don't get me wrong, I am very happy to be pregnant again. We are ecstatic to meet our new son or daughter and grow our family. We are blessed to be able to get pregnant and while I have morning sickness on and off all day I have had a very easy pregnancy so far. But I have had some challenges this time I didn't with my first 2 pregnancies. I didn't care then how much weight I gained, or how much I was eating or if I was getting in exercise. It just wasn't part of my life like it is now. It been a shift for me. And I am enjoying it and taking it all in and trying to stay healthy all at the same time. I will admit though it is nice to have that extra little helping at dinner and bit of ice cream and not worry if it is going to set back my weight loss.

So my blog will change for a bit. No more weight loss, but now more healthy eating and learning how to control my cravings and stay healthy for our baby. Oh and we have lots of other big changes coming. A deployment, temporary move, preschool, a new baby, and another move. The rest of 2013 will be busy!

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