
Saturday, March 16, 2013

Decisions Decisions

Why is it that every time there is one big decision to make it seems there are a ton of other littles ones that come along and then eventually another big one? We have a couple big decisions going on right now. Nothing life changing and in the long run these things probably won't seem like a huge deal, but it's still hard. The bigger dilemma is that each final decision is going to be made by just one of us. One by Steven and one by myself. My decision I have been praying about and seeing some clarity in what needs done. Steven's choice is new and likely needs to be made in the next couple days. And yes in typical Navy style his has come up while we can only email.

It's funny while each decision is hard, I am actually thankful for each situation. They each have pros and cons but in the end will all work out no matter what we do. That doesn't mean that I don't want to break down and cry about them both, but at least I see the good in each situation. Sorry to be so nondescript about what is going on. I'm sure eventually I will be able to reveal everything, but not now. I can tell you this though, a year ago getting in shape seemed like a huge decision, it seemed like the hardest decision I had to made to change my lifestyle and now it is my everyday life. It is not a question if I am going to workout, the question is how many times this week. That feels great. I recently read that only 20% of Americans exercise regularly. I have to admit I am proud to be in that 20% now. And I am now down 115lbs because of my one big decision.

Pray about big decision. Pray about even ones that seem little. If you are confused pray. God will help guide you. Each night I pray with the girls before bed time and since Mady is still little I tell her that God wants to hear all the things we are thankful for from that day. So she prayed "Thank you God for milkshakes, and chocolate and the sun." I couldn't help but smile and laugh a little, but let's be honest I am extremely thankful for chocolate too :)

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