
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Out with the Old

So there are lots of great things about losing weight. One not great thing is the need for new clothes all the time. Okay it's not so bad going shopping, but when you know clothes aren't going to fit for that long, it's hard to want to spend money on them. So I usually stretch things. Especially jeans. I had been wearing jeans that were about a size too big and didn't realize how bad they looked and how much bigger they made me look until I wore a pair that were the right size.

The need for getting new clothes also comes with the need to get rid of clothes all the time. I have done 2 big purges of clothes and now have a laundry basket where I just put clothes now that need given away. It's kinda sad though. I recently tried on a dress that I have only worn a few times, I have it for probably 5 or more years. It's a little low cut and definitely not an everyday dress, but I had been keeping it thinking at some point I would have an occasion to wear it. But I tried it on and it is just far too big to even try to keep it. Honestly I have like 5 dresses hanging in my closet, but only 1 really fits. I just keep some to make it seem like i have more. Not for anyone else, just for myself. If I was being really honest with myself I would probably get rid of like half the clothes that are in my closet. But there aren't that many, and it would probably make me sad.

Its hard to get rid of clothes sometimes though. Its a mental war. It's like committing to being a smaller size. It's saying I will not gain that weight back. I will not get back to that point to wear those clothes. And the smaller the clothes I throw out, the harder it is. It was easy to get rid of the XXL clothes, I hated that size. The XL were a little harder and I still have a few, but still I was proud to be able to do it. Jeans are even harder. I have kept a pair of my biggest size, just to remind myself of how far I have come. I am currently wearing 12/14s and I am struggling to get rid of my 18s and 16s. I need to do it. While it is hard it also helps. It gives me no back up. I don't want to go back to those sizes, so I just need to do it.

Is there something you are trying to change in your life but you have been keeping a fall back? Something that will help you slip back into your old routines if you need? For me it would be easier to gain the weight back if I didn't have to face the music and buy bigger pants. So looks like I will be donating some clothes soon :)

Oh and this is my closet. See not that many clothes (it used to be completely packed full of clothes, now there is lots of extra space). And I can count like 10 of those shirts that I need to donate.

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