
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Getting Stuck

Okay so I haven't been blogging much recently and I feel like my lack of writing is directly related to my hard time losing weight. Recently I felt a bit at a stand still with my weight. I have been stuck around the 172lb mark. That is not bad, it is a long way from where I came, but it isn't where I want to end, so I know I can lose more. It is normal to hit a bump in the road when it comes to weight. It's normal to get stuck, but I haven't really gotten stuck yet. So this has been tough. I wouldn't say it is a plateau, I haven't been stuck on one weight for that long, I like to just think of it as stuck.

So I haven't written about it much because i didn't feel like it was a very fun thing to read about, but the truth is it's a real part of weight loss. This happens to not just me, but everyone at some point. This is real life, it's what just happens. So I want to talk about it a little. I know for me what it is, I know why I am stuck. It's my own fault. It's my eating. I have been working out great, keeping up with Insanity and it is still kicking my butt. Every time I still want to collapse afterwards, so I gotta be working pretty hard. But my eating has suffered.

I have gotten comfortable with my eating. Too comfortable. Around the holidays I would allo myself to have a little extra food or extra dessert so I didn't feel like I was missing out. Unfortunately that has kind of continued in a not great way. I have still been losing weight since the holidays, but its been harder. I've noticed myself feeling more worn down at the end of the day when it's time to workout. And I know it's because I've been eating too much junk. I will think to myself, well I am going to workout tonight, so I'll have an extra cookie. And doing that once a day isn't horrible, but doing it many times throughout the day, isn't the best.

Stress has also played a big role in my poor eating. In the past I have always turned to food for comfort in stressful times. I always found that a big piece of cake or some some chocolate could help me feel better. Well not really, but temporarily. Changing those habits are hard. It's hard to teach yourself not to just turn to food because you are stressed or sad. And trust me recently I've had lots of reasons to be stressed or sad, and I've tried eating and it just makes me feel worse. The next day whenI get on the scale and see no progress or weight gain I then will get a little down. Its just a vicious cycle. So I am putting in extra effort this week to eat better. Yesterday I ate more fruit and veggies, which for me is really key in weight loss. Keeping my belly full of good for you food, helps me stay away from the not great food.

Try not to let a little time of stuck get your down too much. It happens to everyone. Just this morning I was super excited to see I unexpectedly finally got to a lower weight. 171lbs. I was so happy I did my happy dance on the scale. Yes I have a little dance I do on the scale when I lose weight. Laugh if you want (it actually is funny), but it make sit a little more fun!

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