
Sunday, July 13, 2014

Here we go again...

So I want to give an update on where I am with weight loss and life. About a month ago I was solidly within 1lb of my prebaby weight. But then, well, things happened. One of my friends who has also lost a tremendous amount of weight (and looks great), had a post today about life getting in the way with weight loss and eating and exercise. It is so true. At times in the last 2 1/2 years, life has gotten in the way. So pregnancy was a big one for me, but I assume that doesn't happen to most other people as they are on a weight loss journey. But other life things happen. Your schedule just gets busy. You add something new to your life. You get injured. You travel. Life just happens. 

Are some of these just excuses, sure. Saying I am tired everyday for a month is an excuse. But I have found for me at times I get most motivated when I have slacked off. Like something inside of me says, "Hey remember how you felt awesome before and now you feel like crap, get that in order." 

So now I am at a point where I am ready to her back to it. I am feeling determined to get my eating back in check first. There is really no need for me to have ice cream after the kids are in bed two, okay 3 times a week, especially if I'm not working out. So I will clean it up. No after bedtime snacks (except date night) unless I have worked out. You should always eat something after a workout. Something healthy with protein. I will also strive to eat less processed food and make the healthier choice. I will not be as restrictive as I was when I was losing weight quickly, because my goal is not as big this time and I want to do it in a way that when I get to the maintenance point, I will feel comfortable.

My current weight, this morning was 175lbs. I want to lose 25lbs more. That is variable though depending on how I feel when I get closer to that number :) 

I think it's really important to also say that I always remember how far I have come. Every morning when I see a 1 as a starting number I remember how far I have come. I remember seeing the 200s even 300s. I remember the first time I saw 199 on the scale. I remember tearing up and being so proud. Always be proud of how far you have come no matter what you are doing in life. 

And here is a picture of why life got in the way for me :) it's not always bad things that happen :) 

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