
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Being a better Mom

So I have never really participated fully in Lent. I did not grow up in a Catholic or Lutheran church, so I never did it. It didn't seem like a big deal to me. A few times I have tried things like giving up chocolate or sweets, I never really was successful at it though. But I also never really felt like that was something that God wanted me to do. But I do know that God wants me to be a better parent. He wants us all to be better parents. To be the best that we can. SO I set out to find some things that I can do to be a better Mom. So here is my little list of things I am trying to do to be the best Mom I can.

1. Yell less. I am not a big yeller. I never really have been. Steven and I don't have huge screaming matches or anything like that. But have you ever had a 2 year old? They don't listen to a darn thing you say sometimes. And it gets frustrating. And in frustration at times I will yell. But I am trying not to. I am trying to stay calmer and take a breath before I get to that point. I am not always successful. But it is helping. There are times that I think yelling is appropriate. LIke to warn of danger or call them if they are running away or something like that. But outside of those times, I am trying not to yell.

2. Put away the technology and to do list and play more. I will admit and I think a lot of honest parents will admit as well, that I am guilty of at times being on my phone or computer when it isn't really necessary. My children deserve my attention. And I make a decision to give it to them or not. So I am making the decision more and more to give it to them. To play more. To teach more. I ignore my phone more. I have turned off the TV and gone outside more. I engage more with my kids and its fun.

3. Let go more. Let my kids get dirty. Care less about whether their clothes match and more about letting them make decisions. Give them more opportunity to make decisions of their own. Yes they are only 2 & 1/2 and 1 &1/2, but they can still make simple decisions. Let them help more. This means at times that the dishes don't get put away exactly how I want or basic chores like sweeping take longer, but it does mean they are learning to help.

So I'm trying. I'm putting in an effort. Which I think at times as a Mom that's the most important thing. Even if your kids aren't in perfectly matching clothes with the perfect bow and shoes. If they are laughing and having fun and learning the right things from you, you are doing something right.

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