
Monday, February 4, 2013

1 year later

This post was supposed to be posted a few days ago, but there have been 2 deaths in my family this week and it just made it hard to write something happy. But after all the sadness I have seen and heard recently, I think some happy would be okay.

A year ago I made a decision to change my life. And it actually stuck. 108lbs later I can honestly say I am very proud of myself. And there have been a lot of changes. Big things, little things, lots of changes. So here are some. Please know that even the small things seem big sometimes :)

*I can walk up the stairs or even jog up the stairs without losing breath.
*I can jog. I can jog a mile plus some.
*I have confidence that I can complete almost any workout that you through at me. I may not be perfect and I may have to catch my breath a lot, but I can do it.
*Almost all of my clothes are different (except my pajamas, yes I need new pajamas)
*My tennis shoes have actually worn out. Like my pinky toe is nearly coming through them. I don't think I've ever done that. Yes Mom, I am getting new tennis shoes.
*I can pick up 2 toddlers without much struggle. A year ago I had a hard time picking up one toddler and one infant.
*I have muscles, okay they aren't big and you really really have to look, but I do have muscles in my arms.
*I don't look awkward in a sports bra and workout clothes.
*I have a waist.
*A regular bath towel wraps all the way around me. No gap in the front.
*I don't feel the urge to eat an entire box of cookies. Maybe a few, but not the whole box.
*I enjoy eating fruits and vegetables. Lots of them.
*This may be TMI, especially for guys, but my period is extremely regular, for the first time ever.
*People don't look at me because I am the biggest girl in the room.
*My wedding ring needs resized for the 2nd time.
*I can buy clothes at almost any store. Before I had to make sure the store had plus sizes.
*I often see those weight loss or workout infomercials and people on them are boasting of the large amount of weight they lost and I always think "wow that's awesome, they look so different", I then realize that I have lost that much or more weight!
*My "skinny" workout pants are starting to fall off of me.
*My life doesn't revolve around the next thing I am going to eat.
*I cross my legs all the time, because it is so much easier and not uncomfortable anymore!
*I look forward to that I'm about to puke or pass out feeling while working out. That is actually the feeling I go for at the end of a workout. I don't actually do those things, but I love getting to the point where I think I might.
*I now know that at the end of the day if I eat well I will have energy and not be exhausted after the girls are in bed. But if I eat poorly, I feel like falling asleep and doing nothing the rest of the night. Working out at night is much better if you aren't falling over tired.
*I can see my hip bones and the clavicle stands out. Weird yes, but I've never had that before.
*I suggest we do active things on the weekends!
*i can climb on the playground equipment without fear it will break! I even fit down slides!
*I can keep up with my kids at the playground!

Overall I am very happy with all the things I have accomplished. And the things I can now do. I have even gotten 30 workouts in this year (the 2nd round of insanity is kicking my butt right now). Only 170 more for the year! Oh and just yesterday I bought size 12 jeans! Half the size of where I began a year ago!

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